- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
So Said the Stars
The Stars...
I can see them all....
burning, burning, burning, shining...
an endless cycle of gas and dust and heat and energy and anima and life and death...
but enriching more life, laying out its foundations in such a burst of light, despite the violent flash it can begin again
to burn and shine
to shine and burn
to burn and shine
Every single star from Tau Ceti to Sol
to every star yet unnamed in the galaxy-- in other galaxies, in other universes, all of them-- we don't need names for them
They exist and burn and shine all their own, saying:
~*~This is so~*~
~*~This is the way~*~
~*~Traveller, follow the stars home, like all who did before you~*~
~*~We are your home, twinkling and warm, where infinity awaits~*~
~*~You are part of us forever~*~
~*~You are here with us forever~*~
....so said the Stars....
Comments for "So Said the Stars"
License details for "So Said the Stars"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- enterprise_bridge by *)
- Rythmic Sting by By Mariusz Jasionowicz - RareSound Production - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Bass Pump with Delays by Jack Braglia [www.BlastAudioSolutions.com] +)
- Cosmic Rays by Jack Braglia [www.BlastAudioSolutions.com] +)
- Dreamy Flute 1 by Jack Braglia [www.BlastAudioSolutions.com] +)
- Heavenly Swell by Jack Braglia [www.BlastAudioSolutions.com] +)
- Sinewave741 by karl welty +)
- Deep space vibrations by rhodesmas from http://freesound.org +)
*) Soundsnap.com license